Frequently asked questions from travellers

Some numbers

📅 2012: official opening of the route

🚲 1,300 km of equipped cycling route, marked in both directions

🗺️ 3 regions and 9 departments crossed

💯 100% of the route marked and secure

⛑️ 76% of the route is on traffic-free paths

🔗 9 connected cycle routes and French part of the Atlantic Coast Route (EuroVelo 1)

🔁 7 loops of 20 to 80 km attached to La Vélodyssée

A 1300 km long cycle route along the Atlantic coast

From the flower-lined locks of the Nantes-Brest Canal to the cliffs of the Basque coast, passing through the Breton Vendée marshes, the Landes forest, and the Atlantic islands, La Vélodyssée unfolds its route as close as possible to the ocean for remarkable views between land and sea.

Whether you're traveling as a couple, with family, or with friends, La Vélodyssée guarantees an accessible adventure and an instant feeling of disconnection!

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A European cycle route

La Vélodyssée is connected to Europe because it is the French section of EuroVelo 1, which is also known as the Atlantic Coast Route.

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The must-see sites

  • Pointe de Bloscon and its view of Morlaix Bay
  • The Nantes-Brest Canal
  • The Breton marsh and the Poitevin marsh
  • Pointe de l’Aiguillon, between sea and marshes
  • The Coubre lighthouse and its 300 steps
  • The Cordouan lighthouse, King of lighthouses
  • The Arcachon basin and the Pilat dune
  • The Landes forest and its many lakes
  • The Sainte-Madeleine chapel in Bidart and its belvedere overlooking the ocean
  • The Basque coast and its panorama of the ocean and the Pyrenees

Discover all the must-see sites of La Vélodyssée